Welcome to this safe, no-judgement space where I gently hold your hand as you transform your relationship (and life) from the inside out!

Here's what's in store...

Ignite Your Vision

A successful journey begins with a clear destination. So we'll start by crafting a vivid vision of your dream relationship.
Did you know that women are the leaders of their relationships across all cultures? That means that it's up to us to hold the vision!
The vision you create will be your North Star as we uncover and transform the subconscious blocks that have been getting in your way, and clear the path to your ideal future.

Accessing the Wisdom of the Body

Your body and emotions have an important story to tell and invaluable wisdom to impart as we embark on this journey of growth and healing. I will be there holdng space as you tune in to your body’s wisdom, reverently heed its messages, uncover your suppressed needs and desires, and learn more about the old wounds that might be fueling your brain’s automatic-filter systems. Access a whole new level of awareness and begin to rekindle your relationship by reconnecting with long-repressed parts of yourself.

Self-Acceptance Unleashed

You can’t give what you don’t got, so if acceptance of another human being is the backbone of an effective relationship, we gotta start with the self.
We'll take the time to replenish your reservoirs of self-acceptance and self-love, igniting a powerful transformation within. You’ll reteach your inner children (parts of you that may have gotten left behind somewhere along the way) how worthy they are of unconditional love, cultivating your capacity to accept other human beings for who they are as well.

Mastering Triggers

Say goodbye to frazzled responses. In this module, you’ll master some deep NLP-based and trauma-informed instant state-change technologies, turning triggers into opportunities for growth. Become the confident, calm, self-regulated adult you know you can be, exuding an air that teaches those around you exactly how you deserve to be treated.

Rewriting Belief Systems

Your beliefs create your reality. We'll hunt down your limiting beliefs and transform the ones that have been getting in the way of your relationship. Shed historical baggage, embrace freedom of choice, and welcome a future where anything is possible for you and your relationships.

Freeing yourself from the “death grip”

Letting go leads to growth, and makes room for change to happen. Here you’ll empower yourself by letting go of the “death grip” on specific outcomes. Learn to relinquish your need to micro-manage, creating space for others to become inspired to delight and excite you in brand new ways.

Relationships are like a dance. If you change just one step, there's no way for the other person to keep on dancing to the same old rhythm...

How Emotion is Formed and Why it Matters

The Photoshop
Studio of our Mind

The Gift of
Being Triggered

A Counterintuitive Way to Move Past a Difficult Feeling

The Magic of
Dual Awareness

Feelings as Heroic

There's No Match
For Anger

Before you Change a Dance Step

The Self-Esteem

Why Would I Want to Be Vulnerable?

Hey, Brocha. Truth be told, this looks intriguing. But...tell us a little about yourself...what got you so fixated on relationships?

Well, here’s a zany confession: I didn’t actually want to become a relationship coach. At least not the kind that coached people around their most intimate relationships.

The whole relationship coaching thing just didn’t call my name. (Though every other profession imaginable did. Uh, not truck driving – too scary. Nor hairdressing – I’m a little sensory like that. But most others. Just not marital coaching.)

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I was bad at relationships or anything. Most of the relationships in my life were really pretty solid. My relationships with my children had their ups and downs, of course, but on the whole I had a pretty good relationship with each of my kids (and a strong-willed brood they are, hem hem). My relationship with my husband, too, deserved a good rating – though I had never really cracked the code as to what I was doing right (or was it just him?) and even my relationship with my mother in law was stellar!! (I’m actually serious).  Much the same, coaching people around their intimate relationships just didn’t especially appeal to me. Not to mention that it seemed like, um, a pretty yenta sort of thing to do.

When I began training as an NLP coach, my original plan was to coach women to build thriving passion-businesses so they could support their families doing what they loved. That was my idea of adventure. But, then, after having been a coach for a while (who focused mostly on clients’ internal barriers to goal achievement) and always looking to level up my skills, I heard that a coach I admired for her striking finesse was starting a coaches’ training program. And I knew I had to join. The fact that her training was going to focus on relationships? Well, who really cared? I would steal her coaching toolkit, copy-past her artistry, and apply it all towards the varient of coaching that I was personally passionate about. The relationship aspect? Eh. It wouldn’t make a difference either way. 

But as I progressed through the long months of relationship training, weird things started to happen. My husband and I started feeling closer. And closer. Suddenly, after over 15 years of marriage, no amount of time together seemed like enough. Our bond became deeper than ever. The joys of shana rishona completely paled in comparison. (Actually, I could never figure all the hype around shana rishona. For me, that was the most difficult year of my marriage hands down.) But now we were simply enamored with one another. And as if by coincidence, my husband, who I had wished would stop smoking for years already, suddenly quit smoking – just like that. Without me even bringing up the topic. Literally to make me happy! The only thing he asked for in return was that I commit to writing him a letter of affirmation a few months down the line so he would have something to look forward to. And he never looked back!

I discovered that the level of joy I was experiencing around my relationship at that point was uniquely exhilarating and exquisite. Possibly more fulfilling than anything I’d experienced before. Uh…did  I say that the notion of relationship coaching hadn’t really excited me? Well now it did. And I wanted to get out there and let all women know just how much power they had buried between their ears.

So hear o women: if your relationship is good, you can make it way better. And if it’s sagging or withering, you can infuse it with new life. Totally singlehandedly.

Because a woman is the natural leader in her relationships (across all cultures, by the way. And yes, I am totally generalizing because there are some males out there who embody more female energy than some females:).

And also because a relationship is like a dance. If you change just one dance step, the other person can’t just keep on moving to the same old rythm. 

So whether it’s about your relationship with your husband, your teen, your toddler, your mother in law…or, well, just about anyone else…

Just change one pattern. One thought. One feeling. One belief.

That’s literally all it takes to start shifting the dynamic.

My Commitment to Your Success

Listen, I know you can do this. 

And I’m committed to helping you get there by holding your hand every step of the trek. Which is why I’m offering a whole extra tier of support. 

When you sign up for the Harmony Begins Within Journey by September 10, I will make it my business to be there for you when you need me.

Which means you can email me at any point between sessions (throughout the full month and a half of this coaching package) and I will personally respond within 48 hours IYH.

You can email me about literally anything to do with the relationship we’re focusing on: for a reminder of the self-regulation methods that work best for you when your teen uses that tone; to celebrate how you manged to remain in your own energetic space when you mother in law reminded you for the 44th time that her kids were toilet trained by a year and half; or even just to vent about um…I don’t know… your husband’s color-blindness?

Money-Back Guarantee

I staunchly believe that the kind of relationship coaching I’m offering can benefit just about everybody. And though I have a sneaky suspicion that you basically agree with me, I understand that part of you might still be a bit nervous about taking this step and making the commitment 🙂

So to make this totally risk-free for you, here’s my guarantee. Sign up for the coaching series today, and if by the end of the first session you’re not 100% certain that this is exactly what you need, just let me know. I’ll give you a refund no questions asked, and with all the support you’ve already received as my gift to you. Your peace of mind is my priority, and I’m committed to making sure you feel confident every step of the way.

In other words? By signing up now you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. How’s that for a no-brainer?

My Personal Limitations:)

Okay. So you’re ready to step up to the plate. I cheer you on. This is so exciting.

Just keep this in mind: mere mortal that I am, I’m limited by definition. Due to the high level of intimate support I will be offering participants I can take only a very limited number of clients this round. 

So if the things I’ve been rambling about make sense and feel right to you…if you’ve actually been looking for someone to help you process and move through old energies and beliefs that no longer serve you…then definitely go ahead and sign up.  Especially considering my iron-clad guarantee.

Wishing you lots of inner light, warmth, and energy, and looking forward to seeing you on the other side,



I was at the end of my pregnancy, and I knew I needed to work through my last birth experience which was very traumatic. I needed someone compassionate and very supportive to help me heal. 

Brocha was the one. She guided me towards reaching a state of complete calm before my birth, and coming with a healthy approach, and real comfort from within.

That night I gave birth in the most beautiful way. I have tremendous gratitude to her, and I know it would not have been the same without her.

Temima. G., Jerusalem

Brocha Speyer has a special way of understanding the client’s needs… and a brilliant way of  channeling  the session in the direction for  the most growth.

Brocha has a very serene and comfortable way and her smile is full of warmth. She knows how to keep the session focused…and sincerely cares  about her clients.

Rachel S., Jerusalem

Some of my basic philosophies

Yes! I want to step into the role of leader of the relationship and wield my power to single-handedly shift the dynamics. Please give me access to this series of six turbocharged coaching sessions for just $297!